Why exercise?

Exercise plays an important role in maintaining physical well-being and maintaining proper body weight balance. Exercise is also important for maintaining the strength of the bones of the body, the strength of the muscles and the normal mobility of the limbs. If we do not exercise, your muscles will gradually weaken and the incidence of various diseases in the body will increase. Don’t know why exercise is so important to us. 

2. Increase strength and balance:
1. Increased immunity:
We especially exercise to maintain physical fitness and good health. However, in addition to good health, exercise is also very important to protect yourself from the risk of various diseases. Exercise reduces the risk of many diseases, including heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
There are many exercises including anaerobic that will increase the strength of our body, increase the strength of muscles and bones and also help in maintaining the balance of the body. By anaerobic exercise we mean push-ups, bicep curls, pull-ups, etc.

3. Increased flexibility: 
Exercise will help our body to expand and grow muscles. It will also increase the range of motion of our body parts which will reduce the tendency to injury. It will also increase the flexibility of different parts of the body. As a result, we will be healthier and more comfortable than before.
4. Weight control:
I will try to exercise at least 25 to 30 minutes every day. If it is not possible to exercise every day, then I will exercise at least 5 days a week. If we exercise regularly and eat less fatty foods, we will see that our weight has started to decrease gradually. So those who are worried about gaining weight, they do regular physical exercise and eat according to the rules. You see, the weight is slowly coming under control.

5. Increases brain function and memory:

Exercise plays an important role in improving brain function, improving thinking skills and improving memory. Exercise increases heart rate, which normalizes the flow of blood and oxygen to the brain and improves the growth of brain cells. Resulting in increased brain function and memory.

6. Good sleep and peace of mind:
Specialist doctors always recommend regular exercise. Exercise reduces physical weakness and exercise helps you sleep better. Regular exercise also greatly reduces stress. 
7. Quality of life development:
If we start exercising regularly, we will soon realize the change in quality of life. At the same time, we will know why the exercise thing is really so important. Exercise will help us reduce stress, keep the mood good and sleep well and as a result we will always feel much more energized.
Exercise is a thing that has only advantages, there is no harm in exercising according to the rules. So try to exercise at least some time every day. If it is not possible to exercise, try to walk at least some time. If for some reason this is not possible, you must do it the next day.
Things to keep in mind when exercising:
* The type of exercise should be determined according to physical ability and age.

* Write down your weight, BMI, etc. at the beginning of the exercise, keep track of how you are improving each month.

• Do not exercise on a full stomach after eating. Exercise at least 2 hours after eating

• It is not right to exercise after wearing tight clothes. Exercise should be done after light loose comfortable clothing.

* It is not right to do heavy exercise in the first place. You have to warm up for 10 minutes first.

 *Try to breathe normally while exercising. Never breathe with difficulty

* Stop exercising if you feel any kind of physical pain or discomfort.

• Try to exercise at a certain time every morning or evening.

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